Awarding & Qualifications
What are Sales Apprenticeships?
Sales apprenticeships allow employees to learn and earn simultaneously. They are essential for businesses, providing a funded opportunity to enhance the sales force with motivated individuals committed to a sales career.

Why are Sales Apprenticeships Good for Business?
Utilises the apprenticeship levy for a small 5% contribution.
Comprehensive Learning
Covers a broad spectrum of sales skills and emphasises lifelong learning.
Career Path
Offers a structured career path from entry-level to sales leadership.
Benefits of Sales Apprenticeships
Dynamic Workforce
Apprentices bring energy and innovation.
Professional Development
Focus on continuing professional growth helps retain talented staff.
Diverse Talent Pool
Attracts young, vibrant individuals from various backgrounds.
End Point Assessment (EPA)
After training with an approved provider, each apprentice undergoes an End Point Assessment (EPA) to confirm they meet the required occupational standards. The EPA Plan tests the knowledge, skills, and behaviours learned during the apprenticeship.
ISP’s role as an End Point Assessor
As an independent, ESFA-approved End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO), ISP is a market leader in conducting End Point Assessments (EPA). Employers need to select an EPAO at the beginning of the apprenticeship and choosing the ISP ensures a high-quality, reliable assessment process.
Standards We Assess
ISP Standards we assess: see TQUK Business Administrator v1 — Training Qualifications UK (
Sales Executive (L4)
IT Technical Salesperson (L3)
Bid & Proposal Coordinator (L3)

Sales Apprentice - LPR
Natalia Zajac
"The apprenticeship... gives you a lot of practical skills and tips that you can actually apply to real customer situations. It’s not just theory."